My Tours


Tunesien 2021

Wow what impressive holidays in Tunisia!

Drytoolen Kollerwändli

Yippie my first time drytooling together with some of my SAC friends - was a great day!

Skitour Twärchamm

Yeah first skitour of the season together with David from SAC :) Allthough we couldn't go all the way up to Pizol like we first planned (bc there wasn't enough snow covering the stony top part) we really enjoyed this beautiful start of the ski touring season!

Finale Ligure Day IV

Our last day we packed up our things and took the bus to Varigotti where we had our last Coffee on the beach. Then we walked to the nearby climbing crag 'Dancing Dalle' where we did some last seaside climbing over teh turqoise blue waters! Here we especially like the route called 'Only Locals' and 'Ruggiu' ;) Theen it was sadly already time to take our train back home... The end of a great adventure! Defintely hope to come back to Finale soemday :)

Finale Ligure Day III

This morning we got up early, since we had a great plan: today we wanted to climb the Tre Frati's! So we got on our bikes and biked up Valle dell'Aquila and then hiked the last part up to Tre Frati where we were the first visitors of the day. After warming up on the 'Frate Minore' we sended the 'Mitternacht' on to 'Frate Maggiore'. And wow what an incredibly amazing feeling standing on this impressive rock! Also shoutout to Reto for taking this cool pic of me standing on Frate Maggiore :)! After me, Reto then also climbed the Mitternacht and joined me for a snack on top of this rock! This was probably the coolest place I've ever eaten an apple ;) After these impressive climbes we went to the other valley side to 'Bric Pianarella' where we did the bottom part of a multi pitch since time didn't allow us to do the full multi pitch. We then went on an enjoyed a gelati and and Aperol Spritz at the beach, making sure to enjoy our last evening in beautiful Finale!

Finale Ligure Day II

Today after waking up to a beautiful sunrise over the ocean at our little bay and visiting the nearby ruin in Varigotti we travelled on to Finale Ligure. Here we first visited Finalborgo for a morning Latte Macchiato and Brioches. Then we went to our camping, Camping Tahiti, and set up our tent. There we rented bikes and biked up to Contrada-Valle from where we hiked to the stunning Grotta dell'Edera! Grotta dell'Edera (engl. Ivy Cave) is a 25m high cyclindric limestone cave with two round openings letting in plenty of sunlight. In the inside one can find many difficult but beautiful climbing routes of which Reto and I climbed one named 'Bombolo'. This was definetly one of the most impressive climbing spots I've ever been! After this long day we ate some yummy Tortellinis and then tiredly fell into our sleeping bags!

Finale Ligure Day I

Yipiiieh! Off to Finale to climb for 4 days together with Reto! The first day we bivouacked in a beautiful bay near Capo di Noli. In the morning we got ourselves two Brioches and went climbing on the cliffs at Capo di Noli. Later we also did some bouldering and swimming in the ocean! Then we had a Pizza for dinner and bivouacked in the same bay again.

Via del Veterano, Valle Leventina

With 22 pitches this beautiful multi pitch is the longest multi pitch I've done so far! What a great experience climbing it together with Kevin :)

Quarzader, Ponte Brolla

Beatiful multi pitch in Ponte Brolla together with Pierre from CAS Ticino!

SAC Fall Camp: Climbing in Ticino

Yippieh - since the SAC fall camp was based on the camping in Taverne close to Bellinzona I could join for the weekends and also a couple of times during the week for dinner! A lot of rain, climbing (best climbing for me was probably on the crags of Rancate near Riva San Vitale), fun and cake is probably what summarizes this amazing week best!

Alphubel Rotgrat

So mine and Luca's original plan was to climb the Alphubel via the Rotgrat after bivuoacing near the Täschhütte (picture 2), sleep in the Mischabel-Bivy and then do the infamous Täschhorn-Dom-Traverse. However, we took a wrong turn (picture 6) which was why we had to climb in the wall rather than on the crest and gosh I was soo tired and out of strength (also shoutout to Luca for going first all the time!!!)! Also, there was a bad weather front coming in, so we had to descend again from the Rotgrat, since we didn't want to risk anything.

East Crest Poncione di Braga with CAS Ticino

Yipiie my first tour with CAS Ticino! Now living in Canton Tessin for my internship at a local engineering office I absolutely wanted to meet the local SAC people which I did on this beautiful tour!

East Crest Gletscherhorn

After a cozy night in the Martinsmadhütte Kim, Sophia and I climbed the Gletscherhorn over the east crest - definitely a very beautiful Hochtour with great people!

Peak Challenge Alphubel

Sooo Lisa, Sira and I climbed over the Alphubel to the Mischabel-Bivy from where we originally wanted to ascend the Täschhorn which was the last peak missing for the peak challenge. However over night it snowed and so we were unable to do this rather tricky crest and had to desend back over the Alphubel to Saas-Fee. Still a great tour and glad we took the right decision not to go :)

Blüemlisalphütte with SAC St. Gallen

Soo originally we wanted to go on the Blüemlishalphorn but since it was stormy, we just did a nice glacier round tour. All in all, still a fun stay at the Blüemlisalphütte with the SAC St. Gallen :)

Hochtour Ruchen and Vrenelisgärtli

Soo right after finishing our last exam from our finals of this year, Lisa and I hopped on the train and drove to Glarus where we hiked up to the Glärnischhütte right in time for dinner. Our stay in the Glärnischhütte was really nice since we had a blast with some of the loacl SAC people and the Hüttenwart Fridli! Definetly a good base for our planned Hochtour adventure the next day :). Soo the Hochtour over the West Crest of the Ruchen and then on to the Vrenelisgärtli was tour- & companywise ( I just always enjoy doing stuff with Lisa a lot!!) probably one of the most enjoyable Hochtours I've done so far! Definetly the best way to end our exam phase :)

SAC Hochtour: Roccia Nera & Breithorn Twins

Soo after spending a great night in the Rossi e Volante Bivy we climbed Roccia Nera to see a breathtaking sunrise over the summits of Switzerland. After that we continued to do the Breithorn Traverse over the Breithorn Twins. Although we had originally planned to do the full traverse including also the Breithorn West & Main peak we decided to descent after the Breithorn Twins since it was extremely cold and we had already lost a lot of energy due to the freezing cold temperatures. All in all still a great weekend!

Spaghettitour IV: Zumsteinspitze, Grenzgipfel, Dunantspitze, Dufourspitze & Nordend

Spaghettitour Day 4: Five 4000ers in one day and standing on the highest mountain of Switzerland (Dufourspitze, 4634m) was definetly a lot for one day! Today we started off from the Capanna Margeritha on the Signalkuppe and climbed Zumsteinspitze. From there we descended over it's very exposed but therefore also stunningly beautiful north crest (first picture). Then we started the ascension to Dufourspitze via the Granzgipfel and the Dunantspitze. And wow what a feeling it was standing on the highest mountain of Switzerland! In such moments I really know why I love this sport so much :) After rappelling from Dufourspitze down to Silbersattel we climbed the beautiful Nordend as the 11th and last 4000er for this breathtaking tour! Thanks to my great rope partners Hans and Michel and also to Rolf, Mathias and Elsbeth from the other rope team for such an unforgettable week!

Spaghettitour III: Naso & Ludwigshöhe, sleeping on Signalkuppe

Spaghettitour Day 3: So today we actually wanted to do the Liskamm crossing, the Parrotspitze and the Ludwigshöhe. But (as you can see on the first pic) we had a snow storm in the morning which made the tricky Liskamm traverse impossible. So we decided to go around the Liskamm over the Naso (an italian 4000er). As it cleared up in the afternoon we could then even do the Ludwigshöhe before ascending to the Signalkuppe on which the highest Hut of Europe, the Capanna Margeritha stands proudly. And wow, what an experience it was sleeping on over 4500m! And I tell y'all that sunset was the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen in my life!

Spaghettitour II: Pollux & Castor

Spaghettitour Day 2: Pollux & Castor crossing with a good night's sleep in the Rifugio Quintino Sella! Normally these two 4000er are not very difficult but with these icy bad weather conditions the climbing parts where definitely harder than usual.

Spaghettitour I: Breithorn

Spaghettitour* Day 1: Breithorn & sleeping in the Ayashütte!

*"The traverse of the Monte Rosa Group, known as the Spaghetti Tour, represents one of the most rewarding high mountain traverses in summer."

SAC Summer Camp IV: Weissmies North Crest

Wow what an amazing Hochtour! The North crest of Weissmies is definitely a very beautiful and worthwhile ascent to Weissmies!

SAC Summer Camp III: Grosser Gendarm Jegigrat

A beautiful multi pitch up to the Grosser Gendarm on the Jegigrat :)

SAC Summer Camp II: Lagginhorn South Crest

A wonderful crest with nice climbing parts onto the Lagginhorn!

SAC Summer Camp I: Jegigrat

Starting an awesome summer camp on the Weissmieshütte by doing the Jegigrat after our first night in the hut! This crest was probably the most demanding tour of the week as there were definetly some rather challenging (at least for me more challenging) climbing parts.

Schmales Südrippli, Kreuzberg III

A real plaisir multi pitch on the third Kreuzberg together with Annina!

Hochtouren-Weekend Engadin II: Il Chapütschin Crossing

On our last day we did the Il Chapütschin Crossing - very beautiful!

Hochtouren-Weekend Engadin I: Piz Roseg

After hiking up to Chamanna da Tschierva and sleeping there we climbed Piz Roseg! On our way down we could take a great shortcut through a very (!) steep couloir and over the glacier to Chamanna Coaz.

Direkte Plattenwand, Brüggler

A real plaisir multi pitch on Brüggler together with Tabea!

Skitour Alphubel

Sooo Andreas and I had already tried to skitour Alphubel earlier this year but due to a snow storm we had to cancel it and descent befores reaching the peak. Buuut now we tried again and we made it :) On the first day we carried all our stuff up to Längflueh where we bivouacked. And hahah uff carrying such a heavy backpack up a ski slope was definetly demanding! After our bivy night we toured up to Alphubel - it was BEAUTIFUL!

Skitouring Weekend Furkapass II: Chli Bielenhorn

On our second day staying at the Frukapass we actually wanted to tour to the Gross Mittehorn, but since the snow there was still fresh it was too dangerous bc of avalanches so we toured to Chli Bielehorn instead - also very beautiful!

Skitouring Weekend Furkapass I: Chli Furkahorn

A fun skitouring weekend on the Furkapass! Day 1: Chli Furkahorn

Climbing Holidays in Tavannes, Jura

Some great climbing with a base on the camping in Tavannes over Ascension holidays with the SAC :)

Eulengrat, Oberrüttenen SO

Wonderful mutli pitch on the Eulengrat with Andreas.

Peak Challenge*: Skitour to Breithorn

Yipiiieh my first mountain higher than 4000m together with Tatjana, Larissa and Sereina!!! Amazing skitour with a short ascent form "Klein Matterhorn" and a looong descent almost all the way down to Zermatt. This descent was sooo impressive and beautiful and probably one of the most challenging descents I've done so far since the small ways next to the glacier river were super narrow (see picture 11) but also super beautiful. We also participated in the Peak Challenge* with this tour which was really cool :)

*"This challenge started on march 8th 2021 and ended on october 8th 2021. The goal of this challenge was to climb all 48 4000er summits of Switzerland in rope teams consisting only of women. This challenge was supported by "Mammut" in order to promote women in mountaineering which, up to this day, is a rather male dominated sport."

Skitouring Week SAC IV: Grassen

This night we slept in the Sustlihütte and it was sooo adorable! Definetly the winner of the week :) After our great stay at this hut we left for our last mountain: Grassen! Again we had amazing conditions and a loooong descent all the way down to Engelberg - what a great end for a great week!

Skitouring Week SAC III: Füffingerstöck

Starting from the hotel Steingletscher we toured up to Füffingerstöck today - beautiful!

Skitouring Week SAC II: Sustenhorn

After sleeping in the Bergseehütte we toured to Sustenhorn on our third day and again: the powder was suuuperb!

Skitouring Week SAC I: Lochberg

After arriving in Tiefenbach on Monday and sleeping in the local hotel we toured to Lochberg - amazing weather, great powder and people - what a start to a supercool week!

Skitour Kronberg

Skitour to Kronberg with Sophia and Anja.

Skitouring Weekend II: Piz Kesch

Skitouring weekend Day 2: Piz Kesch with a beautiful descent all the way to Bergün!!!

Skitouring Weekend I: Piz Belvair

Skitouring weekend with Andreas and Pascal! Day 1: Piz Belvair & sleeping in the Capanna d'Es-cha :)

Skitour Piz Minor

Skitour to Piz Minor with Larissa.

Skitour Speer

Skitour to Speer together with Reto.

Skitour Piz Arpiglia

Nice skitour to Piz Arpiglia together with some skiteacher friends.

Ice Climbing Pontresina

Sooo I went ice climbing a ton this winter since the ice falls of Pontresina are so close form work :) This is a small collection of some good shots!

Skitour Piz Albris

Beautiful skitour to Piz Albris on my day off from skischool!

Skitour Lütispitz

Stunning skitour above the fog with Cevi Alpin.

Skitour Pizol

Wet but great skitour on Pizol with the SAC ;)

Ice Climbing in Avers Campsut

Wohooo my first time ice climbing!

Skitour Weekend SAC

A great skitouring weekend with some avalanche rescue practicing on Saturday, sleeping in the Clubheim and a skitour to Mutschen on Sunday :)

Skitour Häderenberg

Pow! Pow! Pow! Look at all that snow! Although the weather could've been better the powder was amazing on this skitour with the SAC on the Häderenberg!!!

Skitour Fänerenspitz

A short but beautiful skitour close to home together with Kim :)

Skitour Piz d las Coluonnas

Skitour up on Piz da las Coluonnas from the Julier pass with Andreas. Extremely beautiful but also extremely windy!

Skitour Piz Daint

Skitour with an amazing couloir on our descent from Piz Daint on a free day together with Andreas.

Skitour Julierpass

A stunningly beautiful sunset skitour with Claudio after work.

Skitour Maloja

Great evening skitour in Maloja half way up Piz Lunghin with Felice and Fabian, two ski teacher friends.

Skitour Pizzatsch

Woweee first skitour of the season! After work we toured up to Pizzatsch and enjoyed the amazing descent. Also starting at the top from the ski area totally maximized our descending-to-ascending ratio :) Definitely the best way to commute back home!

Meister Franz and Highway, Brüggler

So Andreas and I went camping near the Brüggler for 2 days and did 2 great multi pitches (Meister Franz and Highway), climbing to the top of this impressive rock.

Namenlose Kante, Bockmattli

Beautiful multi pitch on Bockmattli with Andreas!

Hochtour Rheinwaldhorn/Adula West Crest

Due to the vast amounts of snow this Hochtour was veeery tough. Thankfully Andreas made the tracks almost all the time while ascending, but it was still very tough and insanely cold. Additionally, especially the climbing parts on the snowy and icy rock became way more difficult due to the bad grip. However, we made it and were superproud when we reached the peak of the highest mountain of Canton Tessin!

Climbing Holiday Arcegno, Ticino

Supercool Climbing Holidays with Lisa and Ramun in Ticino!

Hochtour Ringelspitz Normal Route

Supercool Hochtour wiht a beautiful last part of climbing on the Ringelspitz, the highest mountain of Canton St. Gallen, together with Andreas! Also the last picture shows me cooking tomato risotto with fresh tomoatos from Hafnersberg for dinner in the mountains ;)

Hochtour Fletschhorn Normal Route

Amazing Hochtour on the Fletschhorn together with Lisa and Andreas!

West Crest, Kreuzberg V

Great multi pitch with the SAC!

Hochtour Piz Palü Normal Route

My first Hochtour* on Piz Palü (with bivouacking on Diavolezza) with Andreas and Cécile!

*"A high mountain tour, German: Hochtour, is a mountain tour that takes place in the zone that is covered by ice all year round, the nival zone. High mountain tours require special preparation and equipment. (Wikipedia, 2021)"

Igloo-Snow-Shoe-Tour Alp Muntatsch

After finishing with work at skischool Andreas and I hiked up on Alp Muntasch with our snow shows and started building an igloo. It turned out that building an igloo is way harder than expected and so we finished only at 1 am. After freezing for a couple of hours in my summer sleeping bag in the igloo we had to get up around 5:30 am to get to work on time. Despite the cold and the lack of sleep it was totally worth it - what an experience sleeping in an igloo at -25 degrees celsius!

Skitour Muntischè

My very first full-moon-skitour on the Mutischè walking up from Madulain together with Andreas!

Home sweet Home

Yaaay me in my beautiful home at Hafnersberg together with the best family in the world!